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2018年曾有媒体爆料称微软将在Windows10新版本中加入新图标,并对界面进行调整,比如更灵活控制媒体音量。由于某些原因,微软推迟了Win10的新音量控制,但该功能似乎会在今年晚些时候卷土重 In Story Mode you create your own Minecraft character – called Jesse - and embark on a dangerous adventure that will take you beyond The End.Together with your gang of blocky cohorts, you will relive the legendary Order of the Stone. With your team’s help, you will reform this group of heroes with the Warrior, the Redstone Engineer, the Architect and the Rogue. Action adventure game . Minecraft is a sandbox video game with many different elements that let players create their own worlds. Play Minecraft on Apple iOS, Mac, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox Live, Xbox One, and Android devices. Released in 2011, the exploration game has become a popular title in the realm of virtual entertainment, playable in either online multiplayer Please note that if you purchase the game on the Microsoft store, you will also need to access and play your game through the Microsoft store. Fight your way through an all-new action-adventure game, inspired by classic dungeon crawlers and set in the Minecraft universe! Up to four friends can play together, or you can brave the dungeons alone.

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